無師 英日韓文課
Language class 易背 高效率學習方法 Learn efficiently . Easily memorize 達成 理解動漫影片 Understand anime & movie 學費 NT82000 Pass enroll test . Join course |
Feature / 特色
* 高效率學習方法 無論你是否擅長學習,我們獨創的全新路徑和教材,帶你快速了解核心概念和整個框架 No matter are you good at learning, our invented new paths and teaching materials will help you quickly understand the core concepts and the entire framework, and master it within one year 學一套簡單公式,輕鬆應對生活中的各種場景 Learn a simple formula to effortlessly handle various expressions in real-life situation * 易背 越多年,總結出,無需像傳統學習,死背的方法 Over years of research and development, now no need to memorize like traditional way of learning 指導如何讓單字、片語、句子、文法輕鬆留在腦海,告別死記硬背 Provide guidance on how to keep words, phrases, grammar and sentences in mind easily and say goodbye to rote memorization * 課程規劃 一對一 課程為主、小班練習的漸進式教學 Step by Step teaching with 1-on-1 emphasis and small class exercise Wechat, Line和母語者交流 Wechat, Line with native speakers 可選擇 打字 或 語音交流,不開攝像頭 Can choose to type or voice communicate,no camera 主動式教學給你沉浸式體驗 Active teaching gives you an immersive experience 由真人老師發送的課後語音和文檔幫助複習 After-class voice and text review sent by real teachers 提供講義及作業 Provide handouts and homework Standard course / 標準課程 聽說讀寫、文法、會話,以提升外語能力為主的全方位訓練課程,適合興趣學習者、想快速學會的學員 A comprehensive training course focusing on improving communication skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, and conversation. It is suitable for learners who feel interested and those who want to improve quickly 基礎、中級、高級,從適合的程度開始 Basic, intermediate, advanced level, start from your level Certificate courses / 證書課程 聽說讀寫、文法、考題...,取得JLPT , TOPIK, IELTS , TOEFL,ABRSM滿意成績的考試課程 Listening, speaking, reading and writing, grammar, test questions..., exam courses to obtain JLPT, TOPIK, IELTS, TOEFL, ABRSM with satisfied result 5個等級 5 level Class info / 課程詳情 》 通過入學考試的學生,可以有資格加入我們的課程:
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