Intro / 介紹
你有沒有仔細聽過 那些中文說得特別好的國外youtuber 他們說話的速度很快,也有濃濃的外國口音 但咬字卻沒有那麼標準 但你是不是可以清楚的聽懂他們在說什麼 更重要的是 在之後的一兩年內 他們的中文可以進步的這麼快 Have you ever listened to those foreign YouTubers who speak English very well? They speak very fast and have thick foreign accents, but their pronunciation is not that correct... But can you clearly understand what they are saying? What more important is that in the next one or two years, their English can improve very quickly. 這就是我們要教你的學習方法 只要先學一點點的基本知識 透過這些基礎 讓你可以更快速的吸收新的內容 也就可以學得更快、更有成就感 This is the learning method we want to teach you. Just learn a little bit of basic knowledge first. Through these foundations, you can absorb new content more quickly, and you can learn faster and have a greater sense of accomplishment 我們的新型態外語課 讓你只需要記憶一些重要的點,及一套簡易公式 就可以輕鬆應對生活中及工作上的交流 最多一年就可以學會聽說讀寫 Our newly invented foreign language course allows you to easily handle basic communication in life and work by memorizing only some important part of traditional knowledge and mastering a set of simple formula. You can learn listening, speaking, reading, grammar and writing in just one year 課程初期 會以一對一為主,讓你更安心更專注的學習基礎,之後會透過小班課 以及和母語者打字或语音交流 迅速提升你的全面能力 每一堂課都會提供講義及作業,課後會有Ai及真人老師透過微信或Line發送語音和文字档 幫助你練習學過的內容 用這種沉浸式的方法 讓你不知不覺就把最常用最重要的句子記起來 The course will focus on one-on-one at the beginning, giving you a more secure and focused learning foundation. Later, you will quickly improve your communication skills through small classes and handouts and homework will be provided for each class. After class, Ai and real teachers will send voice and text messages through WeChat or Line to help you practice what you have learned. With this immersive method, you can learn the most commonly used skill and the most important sentences. 我們專業的本地及母語老師,記憶學專家會教你如何記憶、整理 如何透過閱讀迅速提升聽力,用最省事的方法學習外語 Our professional Local and native-speaking teachers and memory experts will teach you how to memorize and organize, how to quickly improve your listening through reading, and learn foreign languages in the most hassle-free way. 如果要高分取得JLPT, TOPIK, IELTS, TOEFL...等國際證書 會有專門的老師教你答題技巧 我們還可以根據學生的能力和需求 量身訂做屬於你個人的學習計劃 幫助你在最短的時間內達成目標 If you want to obtain high scores international certificates such as JLPT, TOPIK, IELTS, TOEFL... etc., there will be dedicated teachers to teach you how to answer questions. we can customize base on your plans. abilities and needs, helping you achieve your goals in the shortest time. 快來加入,早點實現你的夢想! Come join us and realize your dream soon ! 1. Flash course / 速成課程 學會日常交流,達到一般中級程度,學生需有較強的學習能力 Learn daily communication and reach an average intermediate level. Students need to have strong learning ability 30小時 30 hour 2. Standard course / 標準課程 聽說讀寫、文法、會話,以提升外語能力為主的全方位訓練課程,適合興趣學習者、想快速學會的人 A comprehensive training course focusing on improving communication skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, and conversation. It is suitable for learners who feel interested and those who want to learn quickly 基礎、中級、高級,從適合的程度開始 Basic, intermediate, advanced level, start with your level 3. Certificate courses / 證書課程 聽說讀寫、文法、考題...,高分取得JLPT, TOPIK, IELTS, TOEFL, ABRSM文憑的考試課程 Listening, speaking, reading and writing, grammar, test questions..., exam courses to obtain JLPT, TOPIK, IELTS, TOEFL, ABRSM diploma with high scores 5個等級 5 level 4. Info / 詳情 * 1對1課程 & 2-4人小班練習 1 to 1 tutoring & 2-4 persons' small class practice * 每日開課 everyday can start * 獨創教材 uniquely developed material * 不露臉zoom / 可打字或語音交流 / 實體課 zoom, no show face / can type or speak / physical class * 本地 & 母語專家導師 local & native professional teachers * 快速理解所學的一切 understand everything in short time * 越多年,总结出,無需像传统学习,死背的方法 Over years, now we conclude, no need to memorize like traditional way of learning * 掌握對應單字,文法,句型,聽說讀寫 例如在商店,銀行,社交場所等等的場合 less memorize, master words, grammar, sentence, listening, speaking, reading and writing in places like shop, bank, social place etc 5. Feature / 特色
快速掌握基礎: 我們獨創的學習路徑,帶你快速了解核心概念和整個框架,為深入學習奠定堅實基礎。 Rapid Mastery of Fundamentals: Our unique learning path takes you through core concepts and the entire framework swiftly, laying a solid foundation for in-depth learning. 實用場景模擬: 學一套簡單的公式,可以輕鬆的應對在真實生活中的各種表達,在交流中游刃有餘,信心倍增。 Practical Scenario Simulations: Learn a set of simple formulas to effortlessly handle various expressions in real-life situations, allowing you to navigate communication with ease and boosting your confidence 創新的記憶方法:記憶學專家指導如何讓單字、片語、句子輕輕鬆松留在腦海,告別死記硬背。 Innovative Memory Techniques: Memory experts provide guidance on how to keep words, phrases, and sentences in your mind easily, and say goodbye to rote memorization 互動學習體驗: 創設生動有趣的學習環境,透過互動小遊戲、即時對話,練習,享受學習的樂趣。 Interactive Learning Experience: Create a lively and enjoyable learning environment with interactive games and real-time conversations, making practice enjoyable 個人化學習計劃: 根據個人的學習進度和需求,量身定制個人化學習計劃,高效吸收 Personalized Learning Plans: Tailoring personalized learning plans based on individual progress and needs, ensuring efficient absorption |
6. Knowhow / 答疑
7. 字組學習法 / combination of words
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