我们的教学 很易懂
Our teaching super easy to understand
The world's top heuristic education system (MPDS)
The essence of education in Japan, Britain, America, Germany and China
Committed to cultivating students with patience, focus, practical and innovative talents
0.0 应用 AI / learn how to use AI
1.0 外语 / Foreign Language:
学英文 / English
学德文 / German
学意大利文 / Italian
学日文 / Japanese
学韩文 / Korean
学馬來西亞文 / Bahasa Malay
学法文 / French
学华语 / Chinese
学粤语 / Cantonese
学闽南语 / Hokkien
Our teaching super easy to understand
The world's top heuristic education system (MPDS)
The essence of education in Japan, Britain, America, Germany and China
Committed to cultivating students with patience, focus, practical and innovative talents
0.0 应用 AI / learn how to use AI
- 了解AI的功能
- understand the function of AI
- 通过大量举例,了解如何应用AI到生活中
- Through many example,understand how to apply AI into our daily life
1.0 外语 / Foreign Language:
- 导师均6年以上经验;热枕,用心,专业
- Teachers have more than 6 years of experience; passionate, dedicated and professional
- 指导学员真正有效的学习方法
- Instruct students in real effective learning methods
- 互动白板,搭配绘本,游戏,社交,音乐等多元主题
- Interactive whiteboard, matching picture books, games, social, music and other diverse themes
- 全新教学理念颠覆传统认知
- New teaching concept and innovating traditional cognition
- 单元式生活化教材,轻松吸收新知识,自在开口,自信表达
- Unit-style teaching materials for daily life, easily absorb new knowledge, speak freely, and express confidently
- 学习之外,培养创意想像,领导合作,逻辑判断,问题解决等技能
- In addition to learning, cultivate creative imagination, leadership cooperation, logical judgment, problem solving and other skills
学英文 / English
- 国际认证老师,CELTA(剑桥英语资格认证)
- International recognized teacher, Certified with CELTA
- 从phonics 到 advance; 含听说读写 文法
- From phonics to advance, include listening, speaking, reading and writing grammar
- 证照 / Cer:IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, Gre, Business English,
- English For Music
- English For Accounting
- English For Investment
- English For Marketing
- English For IT
- English For Finance
- English For Accounting
- English For Economy
- English For International Business
学德文 / German
- 从基础字母 到 advance; 含听说读写 文法
- From basic pronunciation to advance; including listening, speaking, reading and writing grammar
- 证照:A1 - C2
学意大利文 / Italian
- 从基础字母发音 到 advance; 含听说读写 文法
- From basic letters to advance; including listening, speaking, reading and writing grammar
- 证照:CELI (Certificato di Lingua Italiana)
学日文 / Japanese
- 从基础50音 到 advance; 含听说读写 文法
- From basic 50 sound to advance; including listening, speaking, reading and writing grammar
- 证照:JLPT (日本语资格认证)
学韩文 / Korean
- 从基础40音 到 advance; 含听说读写 文法
- From basic 40sound to advance; including listening, speaking, reading and writing grammar
- 证照:Topik (韩国语资格认证)
学馬來西亞文 / Bahasa Malay
- 从基础字母,发音 到 advance; 含听说读写 文法
- From basic letters, pronunciation to advance; including listening, speaking, reading and writing grammar
- 证照:STPM
学法文 / French
- 从基础字母 到 advance; 含听说读写 文法
- From basic letters to advance; including listening, speaking, reading and writing grammar
- 证照:DELF (French proficiency examination)
学华语 / Chinese
- 从基础汉语声母,韵母,发音 到 advance; 含听说读写 文法
- From basic pronunciation to advance; including listening, speaking, reading and writing grammar
- 证照:HSK(汉语等级认证)
学粤语 / Cantonese
- 从基础发音 到 advance; 含听说读写 文法
- From basic pronunciation to advance; including listening, speaking, reading and writing grammar
- 证照:香港語言學學會粤语等级证书
学闽南语 / Hokkien
- 从基础发音 到 advance; 含听说读写 文法
- From basic pronunciation to advance; including listening, speaking, reading and writing grammar
- 证照:厦门大学的闽南语等级证书
2.0 音乐 / Music:
- 乐理从和老师一起演唱,互动中学习到音乐用语以及乐谱相关的基本知识,例如:五线谱,拍子,音值等
- Music theory delivered basic knowledge of musical terms and scores from singing with the teacher and interacting, such as: staff, beats, pitch, etc.
- 听力:旋律的听音,能听辨出音的范围,音的和声。学习唱出正确的音高,学习听正确的音准
- Listening: listening to the melody, able to discern the range of the sound, and the harmony of the sound. Learn to sing the correct pitch, learn to listen to the correct pitch
- 透过由老师的指导,掌握各种音乐要素。例如:音准,节奏,音值,强弱等,进而唱出正确的旋律,培养音乐的感性 以及律动感
- Through the guidance of the teacher, master various musical elements. For example: intonation, rhythm, value, strength, etc., and then sing the correct melody, cultivate the sensibility and rhythm of the music
- 读谱透过视觉读谱训练,可以演唱,演奏出正确的音乐内容。例如:音乐术语及表情记号
- Reading scores can be trained by singing and playing the correct music content through visual score reading training. For example: musical terms and emoticons
- 创造力透过和声训练,可以将旋律配上适合的和弦与伴奏并用乐器来表现
- Creativity Through harmony training, you can match the melody with suitable chords and accompaniment and use the instrument to express
- 播放器乐音色,如弦乐,木管乐,铜管乐等,以圆滑奏法,断奏法,非圆滑奏法等弹奏
- The timbre of the player music, such as string, woodwind, brass, etc., played in smooth, staccato, and non-smooth styles
- ABRSM certificate
歌唱 / vocal
- 认识音调的组成 和 调整高低中音域
- Understand the composition of tones and adjust the high, low and mid range
- 学习各种风格的歌唱技巧
- Learn various styles of singing skills
- 学习上台表演的技巧
- Learn the skills of acting on the stage
- 简谱试唱
- Simple notation audition
- 歌词解析
- Lyric Analysis
- 节奏训练
- rhythm training
- 换气要领
- ventilation essentials
- 转音运用
- use of transliteration
- 学会:
- 我会等
- 一直都在
- 如果可以(Red Scarf)
- 想和你看五月的晚霞
- 从前说
- 孤勇者
- 乌梅子酱
- 嘉宾
- 乘着无人光影的远行
- 飞鸟和蝉
- 歌曲自选
樂理 / Music Theory
- 认识音乐组成
- Know the composition of music
- 音阶,大小调和旋概念和运用
- The concept and application of scale, major and minor harmonics
- 如何连接和旋以及常用规则
- How to connect and spin and common rules
- 歌曲的形成原理
- How the song is formed
乌克丽丽 / Ukulele
- 基础乌克丽丽概念的建立
- Foundation of the basic Ukulele concept
- 和旋概念和运用
- Harmony and chord concept and application
- 弹奏技巧
- Playing skills
- 如何谱曲
- How to compose
- 学会:
- 我会等
- 一直都在
- 如果可以(Red Scarf)
- 想和你看五月的晚霞
- 从前说
谱曲 / Compose
- 认识歌曲的组成结构
- Recognize the composition and structure of songs
- 各种曲调的编写概念和运用
- The concept and application of various tunes
- 如何即兴创作
- How to improvise
吉他 / Guitar
- 基础吉他概念的建立
- Foundation of the basic guitar concept
- 和旋概念和运用
- Harmony and chord concept and application
- 弹奏技巧
- Playing skills
- 如何谱曲
- How to compose
- 学会:
- 我会等
- 一直都在
- 如果可以(Red Scarf)
- 想和你看五月的晚霞
- 从前说
学习弹奏和辨识不同的吉他 / Know playing style and kinds of guitar
- 弹奏 古典吉他,指弹,刷弦,点弦,扫弦,升降弦,推弦
- play classical guitar, fingerpicking, brushing, tapping, strumming, raising and lowering, and bending
综合音乐素养养成 / Comprehensive music literacy development
- 练习 听音乐风格的
- Practice listening to music style
- 练习绝对音感,相对音感,音程
- Practice absolute pitch, comparative pitch,interval
- 学会如何分辨,欣赏爵士(jazz),摇滚(rock),金属(metal),蓝调(blues),古典(classical),中国古风的歌曲
- Learn how to distinguish and appreciate jazz, rock, metal, blues, classical, and ancient Chinese songs
- 学习如何创作,填词,编曲/再编曲
- Learn how to compose, write lyrics, arrange/rearrange music
- 学习如何辨识乐器,古典吉他/钢琴,电吉他/电钢琴,爵士吉他,木吉他,以及其他各种乐器的档次和特性
- Learn how to identify the grades and characteristics of musical instruments, classical guitar/piano, electric guitar/electric piano, jazz guitar, acoustic guitar, and various other instruments
- 学习如何使用midi键盘,音乐制作软件(daw),效果器(effect pedal),效果器串联方式(line-in)
- Learn how to use midi keyboard, music production software (daw), effect pedal (effect pedal), and effect device series (line-in)
- 学习如何录音(recording),录制人声(record vocal),乐理(music theory)
- Learn how to record, record vocal, music theory
小提琴 / Violin
- 建立对小提琴的认识和基本概念
- Establish understanding and basic concepts of violin
- 认识如何保养琴
- Know how to maintain the violin
- 练习各种拉法
- Practice various pulling methods
- 学习和解读世界名曲
- Learn and interpret world famous songs
- 学会:
- 我会等
- 一直都在
- 如果可以(Red Scarf)
- 想和你看五月的晚霞
- 飞鸟和蝉
- 歌曲自选
钢琴 / Piano
- 建立对钢琴的认识和基本概念
- Establish understanding and basic concepts of piano
- 认识大调,小调音阶以及如何弹奏
- Know the major and minor scales and how to play
- 练习视谱
- Practice visual notation
- 左右手并弹
- Play left and right hands
- 学习和解读世界名曲
- Learn and interpret world famous songs
- 学会:
- 从前说
- 孤勇者
- 乌梅子酱
- 嘉宾
- 乘着无人光影的远行
- 飞鸟和蝉
- 歌曲自选
爵士鼓 / Jazz drum
- 建立对爵士鼓的认识和基本概念
- Establish understanding and basic concepts of drum set
- 认识各种拍子的打击法
- Know how to beat various beats
- 练习视谱和身体的协调性
- Practice visual notation and physical coordination
- 学习和解读世界名曲
- Learn and interpret world famous songs
长笛 / Flute
- 建立长笛的基本概念
- The basic concept of building a flute
- 认识各种吹奏
- Know all kinds of wind
- 练习视谱和手指以及口的协调性
- Practice visual notation, finger and mouth coordination
- 学习名曲
- Learn famous songs
- 学会:
- 乌梅子酱
- 嘉宾
- 乘着无人光影的远行
- 飞鸟和蝉
- 歌曲自选
学唱粤语歌 / Learn Hongkong pop-song
- 认识粤语歌的演唱技巧和读字
- Understand the singing skill and various pronunciation of Hongkong pop-song
- 学习各种风格的粤语歌 以及口语和歌曲的不同表达
- Learn various styles of singing skills Hongkong pop-song
- 学习上台表演的技巧
- Learn the skills of acting on the stage
- 学会:
- 喜欢你-邓紫棋
- 海阔天空
- 富士山下
- 无赖
- 下一站天后
- 歌曲自选
3.0 I T
电脑基礎理論 / Computer Basic Theory
- 对电脑,网络全面认识
- Comprehensive knowledge of computers and networks
网络综合应用 / Comprehensive network application
- 对互联网的建立,发展,当今流行趋势有全面详细的理解与认知
- Have a comprehensive and detailed understanding and cognition of the establishment, development, and current trends of the Internet
重装windows / Reinstall Windows system
- 对重新安装windows操作系统,合理安排各区容量
- Reinstall windows system,arrange every drive into reasonable space
如何打造有形网站 / How to build an outstanding website
- 选择域名
- Choose a domain name
- 建立网站
- Build a website
- 用户使用界面的设计
- User interface design
- 设定CRM后台管理系统
- Set up the CRM background management system
- 行销体系的建立
- Establishment of marketing system
- 网站维护
- Website maintenance
- 网络安全防范
- Network security
购物网站营运 / Shopping website operation
- 商店设计
- Store design
- 自动付费串接
- Automatic payment connection
- 营销工具使用
- Marketing tool
- 多语言网站设定
- Multilingual website settings
- 打造赚钱商店
- Build a profitable store
- 一页式电商购物网站建置
- One-page e-commerce shopping website construction
- 进出货海量商品
- Incoming and shipping a large number of commodities
- 自动响应式网站的建构
- Construction of Auto-Responsive Website
- 部落格的应用
- Blog application
- 客服训练
- Customer Service Training
- 如何高效串联服务,服务客户
- How to efficiently connect services to serve customers
程式 / Program
- 基礎程式入門
- Getting started with basic programs
- VS code
- Python
- Ruby
- Java
- Javascript
- C++
- C
- SQL / Mysql
- networking / CCNA / CCNP
- Server
Word使用速成 / Word Quick Learning
- 快速编排文字
- Quickly compose text
- 简易调整文章结构
- Easy adjustment of structure
- 建立图标,目录
- Create icon, directory
PowerPoint使用速成 / PowerPoint Quick Learning
- 高速排版
- High-speed format setting
- 使用动画演示
- Use animation presentation
- 如何在演讲中脱颖而出
- How to stand out in a speech
Excel使用速成 / Excel Quick Learning
- 了解程式应用,快速建立常用自动功能
- Understand program applications, quickly create common automatic functions
- 使用database,提取,编辑,整理
- Use database, extract, edit, organize
- 建立报表,客制化自我需求
- Create reports to customize your own needs
Shopee 操作教学 / Operating Course:
- 如何建立shopee的账户
- How to create a shopee account
- 如何导入产品 和 设定
- How to import products and settings
- 如何提高产品竞争力和客户的信心
- How to improve product competitiveness and customer confidence
- 如何引流
- How to drain
- 如何营销
- How to market
- 如何提供完善的售后
- How to provide a complete after-sales service
4.0 绘画课程/ Drawing course》
简笔绘画速成 / Simple sketch-pen drawing
- 儿童, 成人班
- Children, adult class
- 绘画图形结合创作形式
- Drawing graphics combined with creative forms
- 引导进入艺术领域
- Lead into the field of art
- 体验各种媒材运用
- Experience the use of various media
- 素描课讲解比例结构
- Sketch lesson explains proportional structure
- 中等难度的单体绘画
- Medium-difficulty portrait painting
- 涉及复杂的体积概念
- Involving complex dimension concepts
- 纸张绘画/ 数位绘画
- Paper painting / digital painting
- 需:颜色笔,画纸
- Needs: color pen, drawing paper
创意折纸/ Creative Origami:
- 学习折纸的基本和复杂技巧
- Learn the basic and complex techniques of origami
- 将会体验到折纸乐趣,从中发挥想像力及自我表达能力
- You will experience the fun of origami, and use your imagination and self-expression skills from it
- 用双手折出有趣的作品,如:小猪,树熊,白兔,小狗,花猫,熊猫,老鼠,老虎等等透过折纸的活动
- Use your hands to fold out interesting works, such as: pig, koala, white rabbit, puppy, cat, panda, mouse, tiger, etc. through origami activities
- 可以加强手部规模,专注力也大大提升,亦能增加逻辑思维,想像力及创意强化解决问题的能力
- It can strengthen the scale of the hand, greatly improve the concentration, and also increase the logical thinking, imagination and creativity, and strengthen the problem-solving ability
书法 / calligraphy
- 书法介绍及学习3大特点
- 3 characteristics of calligraphy introduction and learning
- 起笔:虚起&实起
- Start writing: virtual start & real start
- 行笔:中锋&侧锋
- Pen: Center & Flanker
- 收笔:自然&刻意
- Closing Pen: Natural & Deliberate
- 如何选择字帖及读帖
- How to choose a copybook and read it
- 书写坐姿与执笔示范
- Demonstration of sitting posture and writing
- 文房四宝,笔墨纸砚的选择
- The four treasures of the study, the choice of pen, ink, paper and ink-stone
故事创作 / Story creation :
- 故事绘本分析,由理论及实际分析方法,涵盖中外绘本。除上课参与讨论,也将做口头讲解及陈述自己的看法
- Story picture book analysis includes both Chinese and foreign picture books based on theoretical and practical analysis methods. In addition to participating in the discussion in class, you will also give oral explanations and state your views
- 对绘本有深刻了了解后动手制作文字与图画并茂的成品,可一人,多人合作完成
- After you have a deep understanding of picture books, you can make a finished product with both text and pictures. It can be completed by one person or multiple people.
5.0 行销课程/ Marketing Course :
销售 / Sale:
- 成为一名成功的sales
- Become a successful sales
- 客户分析
- Customer Analysis
- 建立客户的database
- Build customer database
- 销售技巧
- Sales skills
> B2C
- 如何close deal
- How to close deal
市场營銷 / Marketing integration:
FB广告營銷 / FB advertising marketing
- 建立FB行销账户
- Create FB marketing account
- 设立行销方案
- Set up a marketing plan
- 分析市场
- Analyze the market
- 建立一整套广告,销售和售后服务的体系
- Establish a complete set of advertising, sales and after-sales service system
- 学会大数据分析法
- Learn big data analysis
Google广告營銷 / Google Advertising Marketing
- 建立Google adwords行销账户
- Create a Google adwords marketing account
- 设立行销方案
- Set up a marketing plan
- 分析市场
- Analyze the market
- 建立一整套广告,销售和售后服务的体系
- Establish a complete set of advertising, sales and after-sales service system
- 学会大数据分析法
- Learn big data analysis
YouTube广告營銷/ YouTube advertising marketing
- 建立YouTube行销账户
- Create a YouTube marketing account
- 设立行销方案
- Set up a marketing plan
- 分析市场
- Analyze the market
- 建立一整套广告,销售和售后服务的体系
- Establish a complete set of advertising, sales and after-sales service system
- 学会大数据分析法
- Learn big data analysis
制作影片/ Make a movie
- 学会低成本拍摄广告影片
- Learn to shoot advertising videos at low cost
- 掌握拍摄器材
- Master the shooting equipment
- 剪接出高质量的宣传影片
- Cut out high-quality promotional videos
- 学会使用全球顶级影像资源
- Learn to use the world's top image resources
职场社交力 / Workplace social skills:
Workplace Interpersonal Relations
- 培养社交技巧,发展良好的人际关系,情绪管理,友善的与他人互动,具有快速融入群体生活的能力
- Cultivate social skills, develop good interpersonal relationships, emotional management, friendly interaction with others, and the ability to quickly integrate into group life
- 良好的情绪控制可成功克服挑战及压力,发展健康的心理状态,也深深影响人际关系与社会适应
- Good emotional control can successfully overcome challenges and pressures, develop a healthy mental state, and deeply affect interpersonal relationships and social adaptation
- 培养专注
- Cultivate concentration
- 培养对周围物体产生兴趣
- Cultivate interest in surrounding objects
- 培养活力
- Cultivate vitality
- 培养快速学习发展
- Cultivate rapid learning development
- 培养降低情绪化
- Cultivate to reduce emotionality
- 培养不容易起冲突,善于结交朋友
- Cultivate not easy to conflict, good at making friends
- 培养应变能力
- Develop resilience
公共演讲,交际学 / Public speaking, communication ability
- 学习在公开场合做报告,演讲,发表意见
- Learn to make reports, give speeches, and express opinions in public
- 学习快速和陌生人建立关系
- Learn to quickly build relationships with strangers
Establish feasible goals
时间管理力 / Time management ability:
Efficient work, learning strategies
- 管理时间
- Management time
- 建立可行性目标
- Establish feasible goals
- 同工进行高效运作法
- Efficient operation method by co-workers
- 快速沟通法
- Fast communication method
创业课程/ Entrepreneurship courses :
** 创业公司要募资的,投资人绝对不需要你付费(小心诈骗)
If a startup company wants to raise funds, investors will never ask you to pay (beware of scams)
- 策划
- plan
- 选址
- Location
- 招募
- Recruit
- 装潢
- Decorate
- 广告
- Advertise
- 成本核算
- Cost accounting
- 运营
- Operation
- 服务与产品
- Services and products
- 产业链的管理与升级
- Management and upgrading of the industrial chain
沟通力/ Communication skills :
- 培养沟通技巧,良好与他人互动的能力
- Develop communication skills and the ability to interact well with others
- 培养可清楚的表达自己的意愿
- Cultivate a clear expression of own wishes
- 培养能力通过沟通容易和他人达到共识
- Cultivate the ability to easily reach consensus with others through communication
- 培养对团体观念的认识
- Cultivate awareness of group understanding
How to choose a company after graduation :
- 学习判断公司发展
- Learn to judge company development
- 判断个人发展机会
- Judge personal development opportunities
- 公司行业潜力分析
- Analysis of the company's industry potential
- 同行业对比分析
- Comparative analysis of the industry
心理咨询 / Psychological consultation :
- 学习最新的心理学疗法
- Learn the latest psychotherapy
- 找到心里创伤的治愈疗法
- Find a cure for the trauma in the heart
- 可倾诉自己的遭遇和不幸
- Can tell own experiences and misfortunes
- 学会重建自信,自尊,希望
- Learn to rebuild self-confidence, self-esteem, hope
- 学会如何走出内心阴暗角落
- Learn how to get out of the dark corners of the heart
潜力开发/ Potential development :
- 人人都拥有潜力
- Everyone has potential
- 开发超强记忆力
- Develop super memory
- 开发超快学习能力
- Develop ultra-fast learning ability
- 开发思维判断逻辑能力
- Develop thinking and judgment logic skills
- 开发超级抗压能力
- Develop super stress resistance
- 开发幽默能力
- Develop humor skills
6.0 学校补习/ School tuition
补习时间 / schedule
1pm - 6pm 6pm - 9pm 可选
平日班 / weekday 周末班 / weekend 可选
3-6岁学龄前/ 3-6 years old preschool
- 启蒙英文
- Enlightenment English
- 启蒙数学
- Enlightenment Mathematics
- 启蒙华语
- Enlightenment Chinese
- 启蒙马来文
- Enlightenment Bahasa Malaysia
- 启蒙科学
- Enlightenment Science
小学1-3年级/ Primary school 1-3 grades
- 小学初级英文
- Elementary English
- 小学初级数学
- Elementary Mathematics
- 小学初级华语
- Elementary Chinese
- 小学初级马来文
- Elementary Bahasa Malaysia
- 小学初级科学
- Elementary Science
小学4-6年级辅导/ Primary school 4-6 grade
- 小学高级英文
- Advanced English for Primary School Students
- 小学高级数学
- Elementary Mathematics
- 小学高级华语
- Elementary Chinese
- 小学高级马来文
- Elementary Bahasa Malaysia
- 小学高级科学
- Elementary Science
中学辅导/ Middle School Counselling
- 中学英文
- Middle School English
- 中学数学
- Middle school mathematics
- 中学华语
- Middle school Chinese
- 中学化学
- Middle school Chemistry
- 中学生物
- Middle school Biology
- 中学物理
- Middle school Physics
高中辅导/ High school tutoring
- 高中英文
- High School English
- 高中数学
- High school math
- 高中华语
- High school Chinese
- 高中化学
- High school Chemistry
- 高中生物
- High school Biology
- 高中物理
- High school Physics
大学预科/ Pre-University Foundation Course
在进入专业课学习前,参加我们的预科班学习,可以尽速掌握基本的概念和对此专业有全面的了解。每科20小时即可结业 。 /
Before entering professional courses, taking our foundation class to learn basic concepts and have a comprehensive understanding of this major as soon as possible. Each subject can be completed in 20 hours.
- 预备科各科系英文
- Preparatory Department English
- 大学商学院预科课程
- Business School Foundation Course
大学辅导/ University subjects tutoring
> 专业英文
> Professional English
> 商业课程
> Business Courses:
- 宏观经济学 & 微观经济学 》
- Macroeconomics & Microeconomics
- 供应链管理学
- supply-chain management
- 国际市场学
- international marketing
- 营运管理学
- operation management
- 项目管理学
- project management
- 创业家实务学
- entrepreneurship
硕士辅导/ Master degree tutoring
考试准备/ Test Preparation
ielts, toefl,math, GMAT,Gre,proofreading
Research paper writing,academic writing,PMBOK
Classroom reading Q&A,presentation
7.0 电子学 / electrical engineering
电子工程学科的目标是让学生了解电子和电气工程的原理,然后再允许学生专注于感兴趣的领域, 学生也将参与小组的项目。
像大多数工程学科一样,您将致力于学习的每一天。 尽管您可以不必参加所有的讲座课程,但您的学习内容将包括实验室工作、教程、讲座、项目工作、小组工作和个人研究。
a subject of electrical engineering will aim to give students the principles of electronic and electrical engineering, before allowing specialization in an area of interest later on. Students will also be involved in group‘s projects
Like most engineering subjects, it imagines that you will be committed to every day of the studying week. Although you almost certainly won’t be sitting in lectures, your study timetable will feature with laboratory work, tutorials, lectures, project work, group work, and individual research.
and you will also be required to develop your knowledge by working your way through your course
- 电气工程概论 / Introduction to electrical engineering
- 电路分析 / Circuit analysis
- 放大器 / Amplifiers
- 半导体器件 / Semiconductor devices
- 静电 / Electrostatics
- 信号和系统 / Signals and systems
- 自制机器人 / Home-made robots
- 逆向工程 / Reverse engineering
- 基于Arduino开发的工程 / Arduino based project
- 1. 简单电源 / simply power-supply
- 2. 复杂电源 / complex power-supply
- 3. 伺服马达控制 / servo motor control
- 4. 步进马达控制 / stepper motor control
- 5. LCD显示器控制 / LCD screen control
- 6. Gyroscope陀螺仪控制 / control
- 7. Laser感应器控制 / sensor control
- 8. Ultrasonic感应器控制 / sensor control
- 9. Lidar感应器控制 / sensor control
- 10. IOT应用 / IOT application
8.0 3D打印机 / 3D printing
- 打印机的设定和使用
- 3D建模软体 的使用
- 打印前检查软体 slicer的使用
9.0 芯片制程 / semiconductor making
1. 沉积
2. 光刻胶涂覆
Photo-resist coating
3. 曝光
4. 计算光刻
Computational lithography
5. 烘烤与显影
Baking and developing
6. 刻蚀
7. 计量和检验
Measurement and inspection
8. 离子注入
Ion implantation
9. 视需要重复制程步驟
Repeat process steps as needed
10. 封装芯片
Packaging chip
9.0 芯片制程 / semiconductor making
1. 沉积
2. 光刻胶涂覆
Photo-resist coating
3. 曝光
4. 计算光刻
Computational lithography
5. 烘烤与显影
Baking and developing
6. 刻蚀
7. 计量和检验
Measurement and inspection
8. 离子注入
Ion implantation
9. 视需要重复制程步驟
Repeat process steps as needed
10. 封装芯片
Packaging chip
微积分 / Calculus:
- Limits: Limits involve determining the behavior of functions as the input values approach certain values. They are fundamental to the study of calculus and provide the foundation for derivatives and integrals. / 极限:极限涉及确定函数在输入值接近某些值时的行为。它们是微积分研究的基础,为导数和积分提供了基础。
- Differentiation: Differentiation focuses on finding the rate at which a function changes. It involves calculating derivatives, which represent the instantaneous rate of change of a function at any given point. Topics in differentiation include the power rule, chain rule, product rule, quotient rule, and implicit differentiation. / 微分:微分专注于找到函数的变化率。它涉及计算导数,代表函数在任意给定点的瞬时变化率。微分的主题包括幂规则、链式法则、乘积法则、商式法则和隐式微分。
- Applications of Differentiation: This includes topics such as optimization, finding tangent lines and rates of change, related rates problems, and curve sketching. / 微分应用:这包括最优化问题、求切线和变化率、相关变化问题和曲线绘制等主题。
- Integration: Integration involves finding the total accumulation of a quantity or the area under a curve. It is the reverse process of differentiation. Techniques of integration include basic integration rules, substitution, integration by parts, and partial fractions. / 积分:积分涉及找到数量的总累积或曲线下的面积。它是微分的反过程。积分的技巧包括基本的积分规则、替换法、分部积分和部分分式分解。
- Applications of Integration: Applications of integration include finding areas and volumes, calculating work and fluid pressure, determining center of mass and moments of inertia, and solving differential equations. / 积分应用:积分的应用包括求面积和体积、计算工作和流体压力、确定重心和惯性矩以及解决微分方程等。
- Differential Equations: Differential equations involve the study of equations that relate functions with their derivatives. They are used to model various phenomena in science and engineering. / 微分方程:微分方程涉及将函数与其导数相关联的方程的研究。它们用于模拟科学和工程中的各种现象。
一键生成影片 / Generate video with one click:
- From shooting, editing, design, one-click completion, come and make a movie that you are satisfied with for your relatives and friends / 从拍摄,剪辑,设计,一键完成,快来给亲朋好友,制作自己满意的一部影片吧
斯洛克教學 / Snooker lesson:
- From beginners how to grip the cue, stand, hit the ball, to the correct siding, cue-ball control, and a complete high-score tutorial. / 从初学者如何握杆, 站位, 击球, 到正确的加塞, 走位, 以及完整的高分获得教程.