课程 抗老美容课
Beauty course, Be young 好評 业界有效 Industrial effectiveness 价格 RM23 / 月 RM23 / month |
Course / 课程
* 1个疗程6个月,每礼拜1堂课30分钟,随时约课 1 treatment 6 month, 1 class 30min per week, book class anytime * 学会深心灵层面的蜕变,增加脑细胞再生,永葆青春 learn to transform deeply at the spiritual level, increase cell regeneration, and stay young * 上课无需准备任何东西,放松,无压力 no prepare anything for class, relax and stress-free * 无需使用任何产品,天然 no need any product,pure natural method * 可试1个月 can try 1 month first * 1对1辅导 1 to 1 class * 每日开课 everyday can start * 教材,注册免费 book, register free * 不露脸zoom zoom, no show face * 华人导师 local Chinese tutor |