课程 日韩英文 音乐课
Language . Music class 少背 一年内学会 Master in 1 year . Less memorize 政府 文凭 Government cer 价格 RM8200 |
Course / 课程
* 小班课 & 1对1课后辅导 small class & 1 to 1 after-class tutoring * 每日开课 everyday can start * 独创教材 uniquely developed material * 不露脸zoom / 实体课 zoom, no show face / physical class * 华人 & 母语专家导师 local & native expertise teacher * 高分通过JLPT TOPIK IELTS TOEFL ABRSM考试 pass all exam with high score * 快速理解所学的一切 understand everything in short time * 历经越10年研发,研究出只需背传统知识20%的方法 after over 10 years of research and development, newly developed the method only memorize 20% of the traditional knowledge * 掌握对应单字,文法,句型,听说读写 例如在商店,银行,社交场所等等的场合 less memorize, Master words, grammar, sentence, listening, speaking, reading and writing in places like shop, bank, social place etc Specialization / 特色 快速掌握基础: 我们独创的学习路径,带你迅速了解核心概念和整个框架,为深入学习奠定坚实基础。 Rapid Mastery of Fundamentals: Our unique learning path takes you through core concepts and the entire framework swiftly, laying a solid foundation for in-depth learning. 实用场景模拟: 学会一套简单的公式,可以轻松的应对在真实生活中的各种表达,在交流中游刃有余,信心倍增。 Practical Scenario Simulations: Learn a set of simple formulas to effortlessly handle various expressions in real-life situations, allowing you to navigate communication with ease and boosting your confidence. 创新的记忆方法:记忆学专家指导如何让单词、短语、句子轻轻松松留在脑海,告别死记硬背。 Innovative Memory Techniques: Memory experts provide guidance on how to keep words, phrases, and sentences in your mind easily, and say goodbye to rote memorization. 互动学习体验: 创设生动有趣的学习环境,通过互动小游戏、实时对话,练习,享受学习的乐趣。 Interactive Learning Experience: Create a lively and enjoyable learning environment with interactive games and real-time conversations, making practice enjoyable. 个性化学习计划: 根据个人的学习进度和需求,量身定制个性化学习计划,高效吸收 Personalized Learning Plans: Tailor personalized learning plans based on individual progress and needs, ensuring efficient absorption. |
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