课程 保姆训练
价格 RM90 / 月 登入 试1 堂 |
Course / 课程
* 3个月,1个月4堂,1堂30分钟 3month,4class / mth,1class 30min * 小班课 & 1对1课后辅导 Small class & 1 to 1 after-class tutoring * 每日开课 everyday can start * 教材,注册免费 Book, register free * 不露脸zoom zoom, no show face * 华人导师 Local tutor * 学会如何开始和成为一个合格的保姆 Know exactly what to do to get started as a babysitter * 学会如何为自己打广告,宣传自己 Know how to advertise yourself as a babysitter * 介绍必须的技巧和概念,提供给他人高质量的照顾 introduce the skills and concepts necessary to provide the kids in your neighborhood with high-quality care * 教授领导能力,小孩的行为和准则,安全及专业指导 offer training in leadership, child behavior and discipline, safety, professionalism, and more. |
Knowhow / 答疑