全球平台 / Worldwide Knowledge Platform
Hallotutor设计的一个跨国知识交换平台,有任何科目问题的大学学生可以在这里轻松找到辅导老师,接受辅导解决课业上的问题,Hallotutor提供的业界领先视讯通讯技术,可以让学员和老师在世界的任何角落,通过电脑轻松授课,同时享有通话,视讯,文字传输,互动白板,桌面分享,共享文档的先进功能。 感觉如同面对面的辅导补习/
Worldwide Platform, designed by Hallotutor, students with any question or problem in university could find out the suitable tutor on Worldwide Platform. Mutual-Communication Tool provided by Hallotutor is a leading technology in educational industry. Student and tutor could enjoy talking, video-sharing, text box, sharing whiteboard and file to achieve teaching circumstances just like face to face.
Worldwide Platform, designed by Hallotutor, students with any question or problem in university could find out the suitable tutor on Worldwide Platform. Mutual-Communication Tool provided by Hallotutor is a leading technology in educational industry. Student and tutor could enjoy talking, video-sharing, text box, sharing whiteboard and file to achieve teaching circumstances just like face to face.
学员 / Student
全面弹性:由学员自行决定辅导时间,支付金额 (流程操作参考本页下端)
全面弹性:由学员自行决定辅导时间,支付金额 (流程操作参考本页下端)
USD 10
1 Month/月
USD 30
3 Month/月
USD 60
6 Month/月
USD 120
12 Month/月
导师 / Tutor
USD 10
1 Month/月
USD 30
3 Month/月
USD 60
6 Month/月
USD 120
12 Month/月
条款限制 Terms and Condition
例: “英国”, “USD50”, “需要一位导师教我理解GDP的含义和组成部分”
- 本栏目为全球华人提供一个学员与老师的交流平台
- 只开放于受英文教育的华人
- 请学员在发表问题时,主旨严格遵守
例: “英国”, “USD50”, “需要一位导师教我理解GDP的含义和组成部分”
- 学员可以选择直接向导师支付,或者通过Hallotutor向导师支付,Hallotutor收取3%的服务费,一切交易中产生的费用由交易双方承担
- Hallotutor提供平台服務,任何形式的糾紛,错误理解与 Hallotutor 無任何形式的关联,Hallotutor也不会做出任何形式的赔偿。
操作流程 Working Process
导师 / Tutor
發文,預訂時間和需要的老師類型,可支付的價格 / Post the free time range and detail of tutoring subject,price
發文,預訂時間和需要的老師類型,可支付的價格 / Post the free time range and detail of tutoring subject,price
学员 / Student
4个步骤, 轻轻松松邀请到适合您的老师,完成辅导
4个步骤, 轻轻松松邀请到适合您的老师,完成辅导
step 1. 选择您的所读科目
step 2. 註冊後,使用Facebook賬戶登入, 選擇要學習的科目 / Login by Facebook account after register,Choose the subject
step 3.发表帖子 “国家”, “愿意支付的辅导费用” (币值以美金计算), “问题”, 發文,預訂時間和需要的老師類型,價格,直接匯款給導師或者通過Hallotutor匯款 (hallotutor 可協助付款,請參考) /
Choose the time and tutor criteria,price, directly bank in to tutor or through Hallotutor (Hallotutor could assist for payment transfer, please refer)
Choose the time and tutor criteria,price, directly bank in to tutor or through Hallotutor (Hallotutor could assist for payment transfer, please refer)
step 4. 关注您的帖子,等待适合导师回复,和老師完成約定,聯繫客服,安排線上教學房間,進行線上輔導 / book the time with tutor,contact customer support to arrange the online meeting room, carry on online tutoring
step 5. 給予評分 / Rate the tutor
A. Excellent/優良
B. Satisfied/滿意
C. Good/好
D. ok/合格
E. Poor/不滿意
A. Excellent/優良
B. Satisfied/滿意
C. Good/好
D. ok/合格
E. Poor/不滿意
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