Street Dance 街舞
街舞 (jiē wǔ) is the Chinese term for **street dance**, which refers to various styles of dance that originated outside of traditional dance studios, typically performed in public spaces like streets, parks, or clubs. The term encompasses a wide range of dance styles, including but not limited to:
1. **Breakdancing (B-boying)** – A dynamic style involving acrobatic moves, spins, and footwork.
2. **Hip-hop dance** – A dance style that evolved alongside hip-hop music, with freestyle movements and various substyles like popping, locking, and krumping.
3. **Popping** – A style that involves quick contractions and relaxations of the muscles to create a jerking effect.
4. **Locking** – A style that features distinct "locking" movements, where dancers freeze in certain positions.
In the world, street dance has become hugely popular, often seen in competitions, performances, and social gatherings. It has also been incorporated into popular culture through music videos, movies, and TV shows.
街舞(jiē wǔ)是指街頭舞蹈,通常指的是那些起源於傳統舞蹈工作室以外、在公共場所如街道、公園或夜店中表演的各種舞蹈風格。這個詞涵蓋了多種舞蹈風格,包括但不限於:
Street Dance 街舞
街舞 (jiē wǔ) is the Chinese term for **street dance**, which refers to various styles of dance that originated outside of traditional dance studios, typically performed in public spaces like streets, parks, or clubs. The term encompasses a wide range of dance styles, including but not limited to:
1. **Breakdancing (B-boying)** – A dynamic style involving acrobatic moves, spins, and footwork.
2. **Hip-hop dance** – A dance style that evolved alongside hip-hop music, with freestyle movements and various substyles like popping, locking, and krumping.
3. **Popping** – A style that involves quick contractions and relaxations of the muscles to create a jerking effect.
4. **Locking** – A style that features distinct "locking" movements, where dancers freeze in certain positions.
In the world, street dance has become hugely popular, often seen in competitions, performances, and social gatherings. It has also been incorporated into popular culture through music videos, movies, and TV shows.
街舞(jiē wǔ)是指街頭舞蹈,通常指的是那些起源於傳統舞蹈工作室以外、在公共場所如街道、公園或夜店中表演的各種舞蹈風格。這個詞涵蓋了多種舞蹈風格,包括但不限於:
- 霹靂舞(Breakdancing,B-boying) – 一種充滿動感的舞蹈風格,包含高難度的翻滾、旋轉和腳步技巧。
- 嘻哈舞(Hip-hop dance) – 隨著嘻哈音樂發展而來的舞蹈風格,強調即興創作,並且包括如波普(Popping)、鎖舞(Locking)、爭霸舞(Krumping)等子風格。
- 波普舞(Popping) – 這種舞蹈風格透過快速的肌肉收縮與放鬆來創造一種“跳動”效果。
- 鎖舞(Locking) – 以舞者“鎖定”某個姿勢為特徵,並配合節奏進行有趣的舞動。